3D printed furniture
3D printed furniture
Stilmus is an adjustable sitting arrangement
with a hollow 3dPrint-knitted texture that
breaks up sound waves. This texture can
help muffle harsh sounds in a noisy room,
improving sound quality in public spaces.
With Stilmus adjustability the sitting group
can be fitted to any room. Around corners
or along a strait wall. It can also be placed
in the middle of the room.
Color variations
Measurement drawings
Printed by Posten.
Price estimated based on the printing settings:
bead with: 7 mm
bead height: 8 mm
print time: 5.2 hrs per segment.
material used 6kg per segment.
price € 348 per segment
The sitting group is made by two main bases
that can be adjusted to fit any room. Each
base consists of 5 components: one body, one
sitting plate, two small locks and one locking
Material exploration

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